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Archive for May 2009

President Obama nominates Next Justice of the US Supreme Court

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WASHINGTON DC – President Barack Obama has announced his nominee for the next Justice of the United States Supreme Court: Judge Sonia Sotomayor.


He stated thus; “This decision affects us all and so it must involve us all. I’ve recorded a special message to personally introduce Judge Sotomayor and explain why I’m so confident she will make an excellent Justice.”


Family members of Judge Sotomayor in attendance at today’s East Room announcement:

Celina Sotomayor (mother), Omar Lopez (stepfather), Juan Sotomayor (brother), Tracey Sotomayor (sister-in-law), Kylie Sotomayor (niece), Conner and Corey Sotomayor (nephews).

Sonia Sotomayor has served as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit since October 1998. She has been hailed as “one of the ablest federal judges currently sitting” for her thoughtful opinions,i and as “a role model of aspiration, discipline, commitment, intellectual prowess and integrity”ii for her ascent to the federal bench from an upbringing in a South Bronx housing project.


Her American story and three decade career in nearly every aspect of the law provide Judge Sotomayor with unique qualifications to be the next Supreme Court Justice. She is a distinguished graduate of two of America’s leading universities. She has been a big-city prosecutor and a corporate litigator. Before she was promoted to the Second Circuit by President Clinton, she was appointed to the District Court for the Southern District of New York by President George H.W. Bush. She replaces Justice Souter as the only Justice with experience as a trial judge.


Judge Sotomayor served 11 years on the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, one of the most demanding circuits in the country, and has handed down decisions on a range of complex legal and constitutional issues. If confirmed, Sotomayor would bring more federal judicial experience to the Supreme Court than any justice in 100 years, and more overall judicial experience than anyone confirmed for the Court in the past 70 years. Judge Richard C. Wesley, a George W. Bush appointee to the Second Circuit, said “Sonia is an outstanding colleague with a keen legal mind. She brings a wealth of knowledge and hard work to all her endeavors on our court. It is both a pleasure and an honor to serve with her.”


In addition to her distinguished judicial service, Judge Sotomayor is a Lecturer at Columbia University Law School and was also an adjunct professor at New York University Law School until 2007.


An American Story

Judge Sonia Sotomayor has lived the American dream. Born to a Puerto Rican family, she grew up in a public housing project in the South Bronx. Her parents moved to New Yorkduring World War II – her mother served in the Women’s Auxiliary Corps during the war. Her father, a factory worker with a third-grade education, died when Sotomayor was nine years old. Her mother, a nurse, then raised Sotomayor and her younger brother, Juan, now a physician in Syracuse. After her father’s death, Sotomayor turned to books for solace, and it was her new found love of Nancy Drew that inspired a love of reading and learning, a path that ultimately led her to the law.


Most importantly, at an early age, her mother instilled in Sotomayor and her brother a belief in the power of education. Driven by an indefatigable work ethic, and rising to the challenge of managing a diagnosis of juvenile diabetes, Sotomayor excelled in school. Sotomayor graduated as valedictorian of her class at Blessed Sacrament and at Cardinal Spellman High School in New York. She first heard about the Ivy League from her high school debate coach, Ken Moy, who attended Princeton University, and she soon followed in his footsteps after winning a scholarship.


At Princeton, she continued to excel, graduating summa cum laude, and Phi Beta Kappa. She was a co-recipient of the M. Taylor Pyne Prize, the highest honor Princeton awards to an undergraduate. At Yale Law School, Judge Sotomayor served as an editor of the Yale Law Journal and as managing editor of the Yale Studies in World Public Order. One of Sotomayor’s former Yale Law Schoolclassmates, Robert Klonoff (now Dean of Lewis & Clark Law School), remembers her intellectual toughness from law school: “She would stand up for herself and not be intimidated by anyone.” [Washington Post, 5/7/09]


A Champion of the Law

Over a distinguished career that spans three decades, Judge Sotomayor has worked at almost every level of our judicial system – yielding a depth of experience and a breadth of perspectives that will be invaluable – and is currently not represented — on our highest court. New York City District Attorney Morgenthau recently praised Sotomayor as an “able champion of the law” who would be “highly qualified for any position in which wisdom, intelligence, collegiality and good character could be assets.” [Wall Street Journal, 5/9/09]


A Fearless and Effective Prosecutor

Fresh out of Yale Law School, Judge Sotomayor became an Assistant District Attorney in Manhattanin 1979, where she tried dozens of criminal cases over five years. Spending nearly every day in the court room, her prosecutorial work typically involved “street crimes,” such as murders and robberies, as well as child abuse, police misconduct, and fraud cases. Robert Morgenthau, the person who hired Judge Sotomayor, has described her as a “fearless and effective prosecutor.” [Wall Street Journal, 5/9/09] She was cocounsel in the “Tarzan Murderer” case, which convicted a murderer to 67 and ½ years to life in prison, and was sole counsel in a multiple-defendant case involving a Manhattan housing project shooting between rival family groups.


A Corporate Litigator

She entered private practice in 1984, becoming a partner in 1988 at the firm Paviaand Harcourt. She was a general civil litigator involved in all facets of commercial work including, real estate, employment, banking, contracts, and agency law. In addition, her practice had a significant concentration in intellectual property law, including trademark, copyright and unfair competition issues. Her typical clients were significant corporations doing international business. The managing partner who hired her, George Pavia, remembers being instantly impressed with the young Sonia Sotomayor when he hired her in 1984, noting that “she was just ideal for us in terms of her background and training.” [Washington Post, May 7, 2009]


A Sharp and Fearless Trial Judge

Her judicial service began in October 1992 with her appointment to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York by President George H.W. Bush. Still in her 30s, she was the youngest member of the court. From 1992 to 1998, she presided over roughly 450 cases. As a trial judge, she earned a reputation as a sharp and fearless jurist who does not let powerful interests bully her into departing from the rule of law. In 1995, for example, she issued an injunction against Major League Baseball owners, effectively ending a baseball strike that had become the longest work stoppage in professional sports history and had caused the cancellation of the World Series the previous fall. She was widely lauded for saving baseball. Claude Lewis of the Philadelphia Inquirer wrote that by saving the season, Judge Sotomayor joined “the ranks of Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, Jackie Robinson and Ted Williams.”


A Tough, Fair and Thoughtful Jurist

President Clinton appointed Judge Sotomayor to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in 1998. She is the first Latinato serve on that court, and has participated in over 3000 panel decisions, authoring roughly 400 published opinions. Sitting on the Second Circuit, Judge Sotomayor has tackled a range of questions: from difficult issues of constitutional law, to complex procedural matters, to lawsuits involving complicated business organizations. In this context, Sotomayor is widely admired as a judge with a sophisticated grasp of legal doctrine. “’She appreciates the complexity of issues,’ said Stephen L. Carter, a Yale professor who teaches some of her opinions in his classes. Confronted with a tough case, Carter said, ‘she doesn’t leap at its throat but reasons to get to the bottom of issues.’” For example, in United Statesv. Quattrone, Judge Sotomayor concluded that the trial judge had erred by forbidding the release of jurors’ names to the press, concluding after carefully weighing the competing concerns that the trial judge’s concerns for a speedy and orderly trial must give way to the constitutional freedoms of speech and the press.


Sotomayor also has keen awareness of the law’s impact on everyday life. Active in oral arguments, she works tirelessly to probe both the factual details and the legal doctrines in the cases before her and to arrive at decisions that are faithful to both. She understands that upholding the rule of law means going beyond legal theory to ensure consistent, fair, common-sense application of the law to real-world facts. For example, In United States v. Reimer, Judge Sotomayor wrote an opinion revoking the US citizenship for a man charged with working for the Nazis in World War II Poland, guarding concentration camps and helping empty the Jewish ghettos. And in Lin v. Gonzales and a series of similar cases, she ordered renewed consideration of the asylum claims of Chinese women who experienced or were threatened with forced birth control, evincing in her opinions a keen awareness of those women’s plights.


Judge Sotomayor’s appreciation of the real-world implications of judicial rulings is paralleled by her sensible practicality in evaluating the actions of law enforcement officers. For example, in United Statesv. Falso, the defendant was convicted of possessing child pornography after FBI agents searched his home with a warrant. The warrant should not have been issued, but the agents did not know that, and Judge Sotomayor wrote for the court that the officers’ good faith justified using the evidence they found. Similarly in United Statesv. Santa, Judge Sotomayor ruled that when police search a suspect based on a mistaken belief that there is a valid arrest warrant out on him, evidence found during the search should not be suppressed. Ten years later, in Herring v. United States, the Supreme Court reached the same conclusion. In her 1997 confirmation hearing, Sotomayor spoke of her judicial philosophy, saying” I don’t believe we should bend the Constitution under any circumstance. It says what it says. We should do honor to it.” Her record on the Second Circuit holds true to that statement. For example, in Hankins v. Lyght, she argued in dissent that the federal government risks “an unconstitutional trespass” if it attempts to dictate to religious organizations who they can or cannot hire or dismiss as spiritual leaders. Since joining the Second Circuit, Sotomayor has honored the Constitution, the rule of law, and justice, often forging consensus and winning conservative colleagues to her point of view.


A Commitment to Community

Judge Sotomayor is deeply committed to her family, to her co-workers, and to her community. Judge Sotomayor is a doting aunt to her brother Juan’s three children and an attentive godmother to five more. She still speaks to her mother, who now lives in Florida, every day. At the courthouse, Judge Sotomayor helped found the collegiality committee to foster stronger personal relationships among members of the court. Seizing an opportunity to lead others on the path to success, she recruited judges to join her in inviting young women to the courthouse on Take Your Daughter to Work Day, and mentors young students from troubled neighborhoods Her favorite project, however, is the Development School for Youth program, which sponsors workshops for inner city high school students. Every semester, approximately 70 students attend 16 weekly workshops that are designed to teach them how to function in a work setting. The workshop leaders include investment bankers, corporate executives and Judge Sotomayor, who conducts a workshop on the law for 25 to 35 students. She uses as her vehicle the trial of Goldilocks and recruits six lawyers to help her. The students play various roles, including the parts of the prosecutor, the defense attorney, Goldilocks and the jurors, and in the process they get to experience openings, closings, direct and cross-examinations. In addition to the workshop experience, each student is offered a summer job by one of the corporate sponsors. The experience is rewarding for the lawyers and exciting for the students, commented Judge Sotomayor, as “it opens up possibilities that the students never dreamed of before.” [Federal Bar Council News, Sept./Oct./Nov. 2005, p.20] This is one of many ways that Judge Sotomayor gives back to her community and inspires young people to achieve their dreams.


She has served as a member of the Second Circuit Task Force on Gender, Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts and was formerly on the Boards of Directors of the New York Mortgage Agency, the New York City Campaign Finance Board, and the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund.


Source –White house Press

Photoscurtesy of the White House



Written by jsafrica

May 26, 2009 at 4:53 pm

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DeeDee’s Jewelry & Accessories Dazzles at Grand Opening in Dallas

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DALLAS – Visitors experienced lots of fun, gifts and cuisine as the management of DeeDee’s Jewelry and accessories shop opened its brand new customer friendly outlet in the heart of Dallas. DeeDee, whom has been operating a wholesale Beads and custom jewelry shop is positioning its unique products closer to its valued customers.

DeeDee’s Jewelry and Accessories is an extension of Beads To Bead, a full-service bead shop devoted to selling Jewelry components from beads and crystals of all types, shapes and sizes to silver charms, gold-filled and base metal components including tools, stringing materials, lots of wire of various types and sizes, chains by the foot, findings and everything else you need to craft your own jewelry.

Due to demand by the African and African American community, Deedee’s Jewelry and Accessories was established to provide unique and personalized, custom-made Jewelry and Accessories to that client base. As an extension of a full-service bead store, customers can walk in to the store with their fabric, pick their beads (that are sold at wholesale prices) and just pay for labor to craft that “one-in-town” piece of jewelry or they can just purchase already finished Jewelry out of the vast array of selection available in the store. This saves customers significant amount of money while at the same time giving the opportunity of customizing their Jewelry to their own taste.

New Store Name: Deedee’s Collection

New Address: 9304 Forest Lane, Suite S123, (Behind Bank of America), Dallas, TX 75243.

Telephone: 214-553-9939; 469-644-9987








Written by jsafrica

May 25, 2009 at 10:15 pm

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Oyinade Adedire Marks 40th

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DALLAS – She had officially started out with a thanksgiving service at her place of worship a week prior to the grand reception. Mrs. Oyinade Adedire in her usual calm attitude was really grateful to guests who had come to facilitate with her.

Her husband Prince Soji Adedire had ensured that the merriment went on till the wee hours of the morning as a record number of four musicians sang at the event. There was no time for unnecessary speeches as guests got down to the dance floor non stop.


Written by jsafrica

May 25, 2009 at 8:10 am

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Nigerian Nurses Association NY Host Health Awareness Campaign

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NEW YORK – As part of its community service efforts, the Nigerian Nurses Association New York recently held a health awareness and promotion campaign at the Nigerian Consulate building.

The Activities were open to the staff of the consulate as well as visitors. Those attended to were screened for Blood pressure, glucose levels, pulse, respiration and other key vital signs.

The NNA NY regularly hosts various community outreach programs in conjunction with the New York City and other notable associations including Eko club international. In attendance at the Nigerian Consulate event was the Consul General of Nigeria in New York; Ibrahim Auwalu and the Nigerian Ambassador to the United Nations, Prof. Joy Ogwu.

Written by jsafrica

May 20, 2009 at 9:25 am

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Surprise 70th Reception for Chief (Mrs) Oluremi Olawole

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DALLAS – She walked into the venue graciously expecting to be a regular guest at the event. The announcement was suddenly raised. The live band suddenly began to render the “Happy Birthday” tune. Chief (Mrs) Olawole was surprised and that was the expected reaction from her children who had spent several months planning the birthday party.

Mama was even more surprised to see her son who had flown in from London with his Wife specifically for the night party. Her grandchildren where on hand to celebrate and entertain. Dolapo and Kemi Ajayi had been on ground to co ordinate the days event.  Enjoy some clips from the event below.


Written by jsafrica

May 17, 2009 at 7:30 pm

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Love Redefined at the ADMA Mothers Day Awards

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HOUSTON – The color scheme defined love. The atmosphere was cupid. The smiles on guests faces were affectionate. The looks on the young adults in attendance were innocent and cuddly. The inaugural “A Deserving Mum’s Award” ADMA had all the trappings to make any Mum on earth feel loved and proud.

The Awards, the brain child of Segun Olaleye, proprietor of Infinite perfections and segungele.com was hosted to honor deserving mothers who had gone through the strains of raising children and exhausted all possible means to ensure that children got the best attention, training or upbringing needed to better their lives.

The ADMA project would ultimately empower families and the community to appreciate mothers and parenthood. The event which held at the Marriot Westchase in Houston attracted delectable Mother’s and their proud spouses or Children.  The turnout was impressive to say the list given that it was the inaugural event. The Chief host Segun had recently celebrated his Mothers 70th birthday in absentia.

Watch out for more details in the next issue of Trendy Africa Magazine.

Trendy Africa is a proud sponsor of ADMA

Photos by Bode Ojo exclusively for Trendy Africa

Written by jsafrica

May 13, 2009 at 10:28 pm

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Leon H. Sullivan Foundation Hails SA President Jacob Zuma

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Washington DC – the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation has sent a congratulatory message to His Excellency Jacob ZUMA on the occasion of his inauguration as the President of the Federal Republic of South Africa.


President Zuma, like the Reverend Leon H. Sullivan, is noted for his ability to come back again and again after being counted out of the game. Not one to bend under pressure, the new President of South Africa has demonstrated that he has the resilience of a winner and the fortitude for the fight.


With the new leadership in South Africa expressing its interest in working with the leadership of the Sullivan Summit, we are very excited about what the future may bring. South Africa is a country where Leon Sullivan was engaged for many years in the struggle against apartheid; I look forward to being able to work with President Zuma to help him achieve the goals he has set forth for his nation. These are exciting times for South Africa and for the Sullivan Foundation,” expressed Hope Masters, President of the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation and daughter of the late Leon Sullivan, author of the famed Sullivan Principles.


During this global economic crisis, when the most powerful corporations of the world are looking for “sure bet” investments, there will be an even greater need for close and productive African and American linkages. The Leon H. Sullivan Foundation is committed to extend every effort to support President Zuma to help build an even stronger South Africa.

Written by jsafrica

May 11, 2009 at 11:41 pm

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DFW International Hosts Tasteful "Taste of Africa" Event

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DALLAS – DFW International Community Alliance in collaboration with the City of Dallas hosted cross section of Africans to a unique gathering at the African American Museum. The Event tagged “the taste of Africa” is the fourth event in the 2009 African Unity Festival.

The program which was compared by radio show host Tunde Obazee witnessed the presentation of African Business Leadership Awards and the African Student Leadership Award.

Eritrean children sang a rendition of the US national anthem to the delight of guests. The event which witnessed an overwhelming turn out gave an opportunity for guests diplomats to interact amongst themselves.

Top amongst the highlights of the evening was the actual opportunity for guests to savor cuisine from five African Countries. The meals were complimented with fine wine. Participating restaurants include; Kalahari, Marrakesh cafe, Afriq Carib, Dullul East African Cuisine and KissDKiss.

Written by jsafrica

May 10, 2009 at 7:13 pm

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Victoria Ogun Attracts Dallas Fashionables to her 50th

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DALLAS – It all started out at the thanksgiving service which held at the RCCG Judd street parish where the choir on hand erupted into a frenzy of praise worship. That could have been all the party especially with the presence of a snack table after the service; but there was more to come.

Victoria Ogun had also scheduled a birthday reception at the Edo hall which eventually witnessed a capacity crowd. Fashionable Victoria looked really elegant as she made a series of spectacular intermitent appearances to the hall. Her lovely daughters acted like angels hovering around “Mum” all through the occasion.

Victoria may have also scored a first with a series of colorful cakes that spelt her name. All thanks to my 17mm Nikon lens that was able to capture the ambiance of the “edible arrangement”.


Written by jsafrica

May 10, 2009 at 5:26 pm

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Madam Maria Akharoh 1936-2009: A Celebration of Life

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DALLAS – The families of Akharoh and Emuakhagbon in the United States came together at the Blue Cypress Hotel banquet hall to celebrate the life of their Mother, Grandmother and Greatgrandmother.

Mama Maria Akharoh was born in Ibhiadu Ohordua in Esan land to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Odua. She married Late Mr. Vincennt Akharoh. Mama is said to have been a profound and intelligent trader and had high regards for hadwork.

Members of the Esan community, Church community, family and friends all came together to support the bereaved family at a well attended service of songs.


Written by jsafrica

May 9, 2009 at 1:44 pm

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