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Archive for September 2010

Pres. Jonathan discusses bi-line issues with Sec. Clinton at the UNGA

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NEW YORK – President Goodluck Jonathan held by-line discussions with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during his recent visit to the United States General assembly. The United States and Nigeria recently signed an agreement, setting up a bi-national commission aimed at helping the West African state promote good governance and fight corruption.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the U.S.-Nigeria relationship “absolutely critical.”

President Jonathan also addressed the UNGA during his visit. He noted the country’s participation in United Nations peacekeeping missions just seven days after its independence as the “direct and deliberate fulfillment” of the international role it had set for itself. The country still faced daunting challenges. Progress on reduction of maternal and child mortality was relatively slow and weakness in the primary health-care sector, combined with limited referral institutions, remained crucial challenges. That said, Nigeria had recorded remarkable progress in the provision of universal basic education and was harmonizing baseline data for proper monitoring and evaluation of all Millennium Development Goal projects.

“The smooth succession of power since Nigeria’s return to democratic rule in 1999, including my own ascension to the presidency”, he stated, was evidence of commitment of all stakeholder’s to democratic governance. In this context, the country would hold free, fair and credible elections and strengthen institutional structures for combating corruption and financial crimes, including reforming the financial sector to make it more accountable and transparent. In support of the nation’s commitment to the global efforts against terrorism, he was confident that two bills — the Anti-Terrorism Bill and the Anti-Money-Laundering Bill — would be passed into law before the end of the legislative year.

He shared the vision of other leaders of a world free of nuclear weapons and noted Nigeria’s support and active participation in the adoption of the Pelindaba Treaty on an African nuclear-weapon-free zone as evidence of its commitment to that vision. He also highlighted the dangers posed by small arms and light weapons, which had destabilized the continent, fuelled and prolonged conflicts, and obstructed relief programmes.

Furthermore, those weapons had undermined peace initiatives; increased human rights abuses; hampered development; and served to foster a culture of organized crime and violence. Despite their extensive impact, commensurate attention had not been accorded to addressing that issue. He called upon the United Nations to take firm action by adopting an Arms Trade Treaty, adding that an estimated 100 million of these weapons were in sub-Sahara Africa alone and there were no global treaties or legally binding instruments to address this challenge.

“I urge the United Nations to devote renewed attention to preventive diplomacy,” he stated, noting that the increasing financial burden of peacekeeping and high human cost of conflict underscored the importance of that request. As a major troop-contributing country for peacekeeping operations, Nigeria believed it was also essential that the rules of engagement be reviewed, among other things, to prevent high casualty rates.

Underlining the theme of the Assembly’s sixty-fifth session — reaffirming the central role of the United Nations in global governance — Nigeria urged the United Nations to quicken the pace of its reforms to better reflect current global realities and ensure genuine legitimacy. In particular, expansion of the Security Council would accord the Organization greater effectiveness. “The exclusion of Africa from the permanent membership category of the Security Council can no longer be justified”, he concluded.

By Tosan Aduayi in New York. Photos courtesy of the Nigerian Chancery.


Written by jsafrica

September 28, 2010 at 7:48 am

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Peoples Initiative in Diaspora (P.I.D) mobilizes support for President Goodluck Jonathan

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ATLANTA – In what can best be described as a unified show of support for renewed and active change in governance, a group of youthful and motivated Nigerians have launched; “Peoples Initiative in Diaspora” in Atlanta, Georgia.

In a statement read by the National coordinator and founder of Peoples Initiative in Diaspora; Mrs. Jennifer Ehimika, “PID is founded based on a growing desire amongst Nigerians living abroad to address various needs and aspirations that have arising in society. The group comprises of dedicated men and women, bound by a common purpose at promoting a positive image for Nigeria globally”.

P.I.D’s objectives include; representing the views and perspectives of people and or other groups in Diaspora as well as establishing a strategic forum for interaction, collaboration between Government and the Diaspora amongst others.

The Atlanta launching which was held in alliance with His Excellency; the Governor of Benue State, RT. Hon. Gabriel T. Suswan witnessed an encouraging turnout of Nigerians who took time out of their busy schedule to attend.


Special guests at the launching; Mr. Moses Siloko Siasia, presidential assistant on youth mobilization and chairman board of trustees: voice of the electorate and Mr. Terna Kester Kyenge, representing the office of the Benue State Governor both addressed the audience on the expectations of the next dispensation while highlighting the positive values of the present administration.

By Tosan Aduayi; Trendy Africa Media, Atlanta.

Written by jsafrica

September 25, 2010 at 6:39 pm

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Sickle Cell Disease comes into focus at first Ladies round table

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NEW YORK – The Prime Minister of Togo, Gilbert Fassoun Houngbo was a speaker at the 2nd Annual First Ladies International Round Table, presented by the Sickle Cell Disease International Organization.

This conference was held in conjunction with the United Nations 64th General Assembly.

The Prime Minister mentioned the importance for more research in the medical field towards the treatment and eradication of sickle cell disease which has ravaged the African continent.

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the first genetic disease worldwide, which has become a global health issue. According to the world health organization (WHO), over 50% of children suffering from this disease die before the age 5, while most of the survivors are left with continuous health complications.

by Tosan Aduayi in New York

Written by jsafrica

September 24, 2010 at 8:29 am

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NHEF calls for more Funding for Higher Education in Nigeria

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NEW YORK – The Nigeria Higher Education Foundation NHEF hosted its 2010 Annual Awards gala and symposium at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York. The event coincided with celebrations of Nigeria’s 50th anniversary and the United Nations General assembly and had its theme as; “Education…the imperative for Nigeria’s Future”.

Distinguished speakers at the symposium included; His Majesty Igwe Nnaemeka Alfred Achebe, Dr. Mohammed Namadi, Prof.Olufemi Bamiro and Prof. Sola Olopade whom all delivered presentations that highlighted the need for research, good Governance and funding for Nigerian Universities.

The current Minister of health in Nigeria; Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, Minister for information; Dr. (Mrs.) Dora Akunyili and the Foreign Affairs Minister; Mr. Odein Ajumogobia were amongst a high powered federal Government of Nigeria delegation that graced the NHEF event.

The Chairman of the Gala committee and CEO of Coach Inc, Lew Frankfort expressed his satisfaction with the turnout of guests and donors at the event and called for more input towards ensuring a qualitative higher educational system in Nigeria. The Co-chair, NHEF events committee; Beatrice Hamza Bassey, Esq, in her closing remarks thanked all the members of the NHEF and all sponsors for keeping hope alive towards achieving the objectives of the foundation.


The presentation of awards to three honorees formed the highlight of the gala. The Honorees include; Jonathan F. Fanton, former President of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur foundation from 1999 to 2009 who received the Lifetime achievement award; Robin Renee Sanders, former US Ambassador in Nigeria who received the US leadership for Africa Award and Jide Zeitlin, former partner of the Goldman Sachs group, inc. also received the Jonathan F. Fanton Leadership in Education Award.

The NHEF 2010 gala is probably the most intellectual gathering of Nigerian professionals in recent times who individually paid a premium towards enhancing the quality of higher education in Nigeria.

Documentary by Tosan Aduayi for Trendy Africa Media, New York.

Written by jsafrica

September 24, 2010 at 7:25 am

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5th Nigeria Entertainment Awards in New York

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New York -The TRIBECA arts center was a beehive of activities recently as African entertainers and enthusiasts arrived to witness what can best be described as one of the best organized NEA awards thus far. The 5th NEA featured Singer, Omawumi who imposed a twist of comedy to her performance while guests applauded to her professional renditions.


According to a report by amebor.com; “Omawumi who won two awards on the night was tailor made to be the host – she brought the audience back to life with her grace and humor, at moments when the audiences seemed uninterested due to technical hiccups”.


Gospel singer Lara George, Tuface and rapper Jesse Jagz’s respective performances drew huge applause from the cheering audience. Other awardees of the evening included Jim Iyke, Kunle Afolayan and DJ Jesse Jagz.


Jesse Jagz

Lara George




J. Sleek

Implication- Tuface/

Today Na Today – Omawumi/Kemi Adetiba

Jim Iyke – The Shepherd / Dream Maker

Nse Ikpe-Etim – Reloaded

The Figurine – Kunle Afolayan

Arise Fashion Week New York

Keke and D1

Genevieve Nnaji – Guinness Ultimate Survivor-Celebrity edition

Kefee ft Timaya


Kid Konnect

Gideon Okeke



Olisa Adibua




Terry G – Free Madness

DaGrin (late) – C.E.O

DJ Xclusive

by Julie Van-Lare for Trendy Africa New York. Trendy Africa is an official media Partner to the 5th NEA, New York.

Written by jsafrica

September 19, 2010 at 9:43 am

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Double Celebration for the Ogunrinade Family: 50th Birthday and College Graduation

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AUSTIN, TX – You may call it a double whooper but it is best described as a double victory for the Austin Texas based Ogunrinade family. Mrs Fola Ogunrinade marked her golden jubilee while her daughter; Stephanie Ogunrinade celebrated her college graduation.


By Tosan Aduayi

Written by jsafrica

September 19, 2010 at 9:35 am

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Busola Fagbile and Osalem Jegbefume Unite in Love

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DALLAS – Compatibility has no hiding place. It’s like interlocking blocks, Jig saw puzzles, Lego, color puzzles or the rubix cube. Jig saw puzzles and the rubix cube may require some nerve wracking but the pieces eventually lock into place.

For Busola and Osalem, it’s like a Roll Royce with fine leather interior. This young and lovely couple showed so much love and understanding during their traditional marriage and engagement ceremony. Busola hails from the core western Yoruba speaking region in Nigeria while Osalem ethnic origin is Abavo, Ika south LGA in Delta State. Despite the diverse ethnic difference, companionship and love creates the interlocking sequence in this story.

We at Trendy Africa express our sincere congratulations to the lovely, intelligent and energetic couple and wish them a loving and everlasting nuptial.

more photos soon.

Brides Traditional Event Make up and Head Wrap by Honey Drop Images – 214 458 3777

Brides Make up at the wedding ceremony by; Face of Cilla – 972 775 0866

Documentary and photography by Chibuzor Okonta; executive editor and Tosan Aduayi; Publisher, Trendy Africa Media.

Written by jsafrica

September 17, 2010 at 7:03 am

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Trendy Africa TV Set To Promote African Heritage

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TRENDY AFRICA is an entertainment and educative media poised at creating an interactive and friendly environment amongst users. Images are protected and are captured with the latest
HD products in the market. Attributes of TRENDY AFRICA TELEVISION WOULD INCLUDE;

-Video movie clips
-Event highlights
-Comedy shows 
-Live events
-Personality interviews

-Movie Premieres

-Red Carpet Presentation



For further information please contact; Chibuzor Okonta, Executive Director Audio Visuals(chibuzor@trendyafrica.com) or call Tosan on 817 538 2145.

Written by jsafrica

September 16, 2010 at 12:25 pm

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Jim Iyke Searches for Love in the USA

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 New York – Jim Iyke, the Nigerian film industry’s (Nollywood) leading actor is yearning to share his life and his love with a woman who has all the right qualities.

The Jumah Studio production company will shoot a television reality show “Jewels for Jim”, in five U.S. cities, starting in New York on Sunday, September 19, at the 28th Street Studio 34 West 28th Street, NYC 10001, at 3:00 pm, then on to Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles and wrapping in Washington, D.C.  From Nigeria to America, Jewel for Jim will cast the widest net yet, in hopes of finding a compatible match for Iyke.

The celebrated actor has been described as Nollywood’s playboy and a serial heartbreaker.  American audiences and celebrity matchmakers will assist the consummate bachelor Jim Iyke with finding that unique woman who will melt his heart and make him entertain the thought of walking down the aisle.

The lucky woman chosen to become Jim’s Jewel will receive a $50,000 cash award, other prizes in addition to traveling the world with Jim.  She will also join Iyke in his philanthropic endeavors as a spokesperson for Sickle Cell Disease and the Jim lyke Foundation.

Sickle cell disease is a genetically inherited condition that affects more than 300 million people worldwide, with the highest population existing in Iyke’s homeland of Nigeria.  “Sickle cell disease has existed under of cloak of mystery and ignorance for more than 2000 years.  I am committed to help break the silence and correct the misperception that this is a Black disease”.  People all over the world are being born into a life of pain and dying in un-noticed”, said Jim.

The Jim Iyke Foundation is a non-governmental organization engaged in advancing the protection, rights and welfare of children with deformities and physical disabilities.  Its primary focus is to improve access to medical services, reconstructive and life-saving surgeries, and sensitizing the public the plight of these children, so that they will support the foundation’s efforts to provide medical services in impoverished communities.

For more information on Jim Iyke and the Jewel for Jim project visit http://jewelforjim.com.

Photos courtesy of Trendy Africa Media




Written by jsafrica

September 16, 2010 at 12:04 pm

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President Goodluck Jonathan Declares Intent To run For Presidency

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ABUJA – After months of speculation and anticipation, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; Dr. Goodluck Jonathan has creatively declared his intent to run for Presidency in 2011. Facebook; the worlds most patronized social networking site was the platform of choice. Below is the written statement as published on Facebook by GEJ;

Dear compatriots, four months ago, providence placed me at the leadership of our dear country, following the untimely death of our dear former President, my brother and leader, President Umaru Musa Yar’adua. It was a very solemn and trying moment for me personally and for the country as a whole. My immediate task and priority was and still remains to give the nation purposeful leadership and to focus on the priorities of our administration in order to maintain national peace and stability and pursue our key development priorities. In these few months as leader of the country, I have concentrated on managing the affairs of the nation, and resisted all efforts to respond to the drums of partisan politics which have been sounding very loud across the land. As President and leader of government, I decided not to place partisan politics above the immediate needs and priorities of our people. I came under intense pressure to make a declaration concerning my political future, but declined to do so because that would have immediately distracted us from all the development initiatives we have accomplished so far. I therefore told Nigerians to give me time to concentrate on my work and that at the appropriate time I would make a public statement on my political future after due consultations with all the segments and leaders of our nation.

Today, I confirm that after wide and thorough consultations spanning the six geo-political zones that make up Nigeria, with members of my family, my party, the opposition, civil society, the Private Sector, members of the Labour Unions, religious leaders, youths and student groups and our revered traditional institutions, I Goodluck Ebele Jonathan by the grace of God hereby offer myself and my services to the Nigerian people as a candidate for the office of President in the forth coming 2011 elections. In presenting myself for service, I make no pretense that I have a magic wand that will solve all of Nigeria’s problems or that I am the most intelligent Nigerian. Far from it. What I do promise is this – If I am elected President in 2011, I will make a covenant with you the Nigerian people to always do right by you, to tell you the truth at all times, to carry you along and most importantly to listen to you, fellow citizens in our communities and also those of you on this page. I do not want to win your affections by giving you promises of things I would do in the future which others before me have given and which have largely been unfulfilled. Rather, I would want you to judge me by my records. Since God Almighty and yourselves permitted me to serve you in the present capacity, I have busied myself with setting Nigeria on the path of peace and progress.

My team and I made no promises on adequate fuel supply in Nigeria. We simply did what was expected of those who govern, we delivered it, and you are living witnesses to that. We made no promise to revamp the textile industry. We delivered a bailout package worth 150 billion naira that is being dispensed as I write. We made no promises of securing the highest U.S Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aviation clearance, the Category 1 Certificate which enables Nigerian registered airlines to fly to ANY U.S city. We delivered. We made no promise to give Nigeria a brand new INEC under a proven God-fearing and incorruptible leader. We placed Nigeria first and delivered. We made no promises of protecting your loans, deposits and investments in the banking industry over and beyond what is covered under the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Scheme. We delivered it via AMCON. Rather than tell you what we could do to improve power, this administration demonstrated it by initiating a brand new national Super Grid as well as launching a concrete Road Map to the Power Sector with realistic goals tied to realistic dates. I understand from some of your mails that there has been some small improvements in electricity supply in some communities. We met an economy that was beginning to slow due to the global recession. Today, the economy has verifiably grown by 7% this half year ending in June.

I know you are tired of empty promises, so I will make only one promise to you today. The only promise I make to you my friends, fellow citizens and Nigeria, is to promise LESS and deliver MORE if I am elected. I call on you to join me to work together in harmony and synergy to forge a nation where we understand our differences instead of pretending they do not exist and work towards a perfect union founded on transparency, equity and justice. A nation that is on her way to repairing her International reputation and project to the world that things have changed and the people of Nigeria have now taken Nigeria back from a few into the hands of her people who are eager, very eager to pull her weight in the forward movement of the African continent and the world in the pursuit of peace, prosperity and happiness.

I will by the special grace of God be making a formal declaration to this effect at the Eagle’s Square, Abuja, on Saturday 18 September 2010.

I call on you my friends on this page and all Nigerians to give me your support and prayers so that together we can liberate our country from the confines and self –inflicted wounds and limitations of the past. My dear friends and fellow citizens, to borrow an often used slogan by our youths, please join me in proclaiming: Forward Ever, Backward Never! Please let us all unite across tongue and creed to move our long suffering nation forward together. I thank you and may God bless our country Nigeria. GEJ

Written by jsafrica

September 15, 2010 at 11:26 am

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